
Marketing is about influencing. It's about convincing or satisfying someone that your values are aligned with theirs. You can do it through coercion, gaming and parlor tricks. Or by sharing authentic stories that resonate with the audience you are intending to affect. 

Marketing is like most things, easy is rarely the correct path if you want to be noticed for something meaningful. And overselling and under delivering is actually fairly easy to pull-off. While earning trust through genuine action requires a significant investment of emotion, time and transparency. So most choose the easier, faster and seemingly safer path. The beauty then is that the harder work is reserved for the few...those that actually care about the people and how their work will make them feel.
Three questions to ask yourself when you start writing your marketing plan...
  1. Why are we doing this?
  2. Who is it for?
  3. How will they feel?
If you don't know or like the answers...start over. 

A Learner's Non-Traditional Study Guide

There are many choices when it comes to learning. Whether you're just venturing out or starting over, here's a list you should spend some time on before you decide which path to take...

Books by Seth Godin
Books by Others
Leap First (audio)
Michael Chaffin (of course)
Classes/Courses- Self Learning
Leadership Workshop (Seth Godin)
Specific Ideas/Posts on School
Stop Stealing Dreams (TedEx video)


(Thanks Haley for the inspiration to share it)

Bespoke Grad (or UnderGrad) School

Here’s the all too familiar dialogue (often between parents and student)…
Go to business school.
Why? (What is the expected result?)
Graduate with a better degree.
Why get a “better” degree?
Get a better job.
What’s a better job?
The answer is rarely clear. So we make an investment of time, money and emotion going down a path without a clear goal in mind. This could be a huge mistake.
The most important step then is the first one. You need to define the desired outcome…what does success look like? Perhaps being happy and fulfilled…while working in a hotel. Or is to earn more money out of the gate? Or is it a guarantee to be picked (which I doubt there is). To make it even more fuzzy the traditional expected outcomes (more money and an improved chance of landing a job) are not realistic, especially outside of education, science or advanced accounting.
So, what sort of education is best to get me that result? University coursework? Maybe. Or perhaps it’s a highly customized educational plan complete with unique work, life and social experiences. A plan that also includes coursework and book learning, but not necessarily in the institutional sense. Here’s a list of books (to satisfy the part of you that says books are a necessary part of learning)...
Now, build your own MBA…
Develop a list of books to read
Develop a list of jobs to work
Develop a list of projects to complete
Develop a list of people to connect with
Develop a list of places to explore
The point is to develop a plan…get it funded…and go learn! 


Leadership Attitude

It’s simple in concept...
  • Surround yourself with high levels of aptitude
  • Generously give others the credit
  • Take responsibility…put yourself out there to be ultimately accountable.
I’ve never met a great leader who didn’t embody these qualities. And more importantly, I’ve never met anyone who acts this way that isn’t a great leader…no matter their title.
Really hard to execute…but it starts with a mindset, a world view that this attitude is what it takes to lead and to make change.

Hostess vs. Innkeeper

  • hides behind a podium 
  • smiles and says hello
  • moves you along
  • processes
  • assigns tables
  • takes you to your seat
  • keeps things moving along
  • says good bye and thank you
  • position themselves to “dance"
  • welcome
  • get to know
  • seek to understand why you’re here
  • pick up clues
  • deliver the unexpected
  • make new friends, and...
  • remember old ones
  • create comfort and trust, so...
  • they can get the truth when people leave
Innkeeping requires vastly different skills than hostessing. But first you need to understand why you’re doing it…so you know who to hire.

Marketing Simplified

The work that gets noticed and gets talked about changes lives for the better. So do things that matter…ignore everything else.
The best way to spread the word about your work is through other people…people willing to go on a crusade with you about what you’re doing.
And the only way to build a tribe of loyal raving fans is to develop trust…by sharing the purpose of your work through personal connections and by keeping your promises.
Simple ideas…really hard work. 


Sucking Down

Really enjoyed this recent Tom Peters quip...An effective brand you knows "sucking DOWN" is 10-100X more important than "sucking up."

It reminded me of the single most important life lesson I've learned in my adult time on the planet. Pandering to those above you (or to yourself) is never as effective as investing in the development of healthy relationships with your peers, team member and family. This is where leadership starts...and ends.


Happy New Year...Now Go Learn

In the course of my work I'm often asked what sort of education is best which is usually a clever disguise for wanting to know if a college degree is worth pursuing. Well, that's really hard to say. An institutional product like college education is just like any other thing or service we buy. It has varying levels of value depending on your goals, values and world view. There is no one answer that fits everyone. I know that's the system we've been taught (or conditioned or even bullied) to believe in. But it simply isn't that simple...anymore. We grew up believing that if we had the money or could borrow it we should (must) get a college education because it would open the doors to opportunities (higher paying jobs) we would otherwise not be in a position to secure. Well now that model is being blown to bits because learning and the product of knowledge have been completely redefined. In the matter of just a decade what you once had to go to a classroom in a famous college to can do so from your house anytime you want. In that same amount of time, the job of teaching has gone from a privileged minority (those that went to college) to virtually anyone who takes the time to do so.

So the point on this celebrated day of new beginnings is not to decide where to learn but rather just to start learning of any kind. Here’s a list of inspirational blog posts to help get you going. Now go Choose Yourself.

Happy New Year!


Create or's a matter of choice

Generally speaking I tend to busy myself with creating stuff or experiencing new things. And I actively limit consumption, particularly of the media sort. In that vein I only pay attention to those I trust and care about. So the chances of me tuning-in to the morning news is highly unlikely (here's a better explanation of this effect). Technology makes it easier than ever to fall into this consume vs. create. Technology also makes it possible to connect with anyone, anywhere at virtually anytime. It's a remarkable point in history. You can learn anything from whomever you want. You can make things and give people a peek or show off your skills to precisely the audience you're looking to attract. You can build your own fan club. So the choice is entertained or do the entertaining...choose wisely.

The Investment in Feedback

Assuming you’re interested in what people notice about you and/or your business. And assuming you’re interested in thanking people for taking the time to let you know, I offer the following guide to the business of customer feedback.

  1. Make it easy…No arduous processes (multiple layer menus or long lists of questions or multi page comment forms).
  2. Make it genuine (human) and brief. Best to get it in person upon departure. But if you can’t a brief follow-up soon after will do.
  3. Make it heard…act like you’re listening and that you care. The request should be personal. And the request should come from the top (or very near the top).
  4. Thank you…everyone who provides feedback should receive a personalized response thanking them for their time and contribution (repeat customers should get extra attention). Yes, it’s an extra step. But it shows you care.
Now apply this to your internal customers as well…now there’s a twist.

Of course this sort of attention takes time…probably at least an hour or two each day depending on the size of your business. But if you do this well, it gets noticed and builds trust. And that’s one of the best assets you can build…definitely worth the investment.

I interview people for jobs almost every day. And almost as often as I interview I’m disappointed in the lack of preparation. Not the kind of preparation you’re probably thinking of…a resume with no typo’s, a conservative look, a memorized list of their skill set and a forced smile. But a way to show me why I can’t possible ignore them. Before computers and the internet you relied heavily on testimonials (former bosses, co-workers and anyone else who would sing your praises) to instill confidence that you were the right choice. Smartly, some people figured out that providing references before someone asked for them was the big bold move…everyone else chose me, shouldn’t you? Now there’s a better way. And sadly very few use it. We use the internet everyday…to consume. But few people actually claim a spot and take the time to make something. Something that could be shown off, something that can’t be ignored, something that helps you choose yourself.

I would take this a step further. I wouldn’t show up for an interview without my own website. Not Facebook (although the right content there could be powerful). But a site you build yourself…about you. If you can’t get your namesake URL, get one that resonates with you. And then have some business cards printed with only that URL on them. Hand them out. The obvious question then…what to put there? Everything and anything that you are proud of…that screams you need me on your team. Sure you can have your resume there. And a few photo’s. But surely there must be some way to show how you can solve interesting problems and how you’ve led and inspired others to achieve remarkable work. There must be some evidence of a school project, a hobby, a craft or special interest. Surely there must be a really long list of the books you’ve read…and perhaps a short report on some of them. And surely you’ve had some interesting things to say and you’ve captured that in a blog or a video or two. Surely…

The point is that it’s easier (and cheaper) than ever to show-off. Please start.

What Are You in Business For?

In other words…what’s your purpose? Why are you doing what you’re doing? And no the answer shouldn't be “for money”. If it is…you plan to sell-out at some point. So surely your exit plan has already been developed. Would you share that with your employees? Your customers? More often the money part is about sustainability…how can someone keep their dream alive, live comfortable and pay their bills along the way. Just don’t confuse purpose with sustainability. Many people do…and the result is a disappointingly (for both you and your customers) short-lived effort.

1. Now list any clear actions which illustrate your purpose. Not slogans, promises or mission statements. The things you do to and with your customers. Your customers are raving about the highlights. So you can start by listing those. What would be missed if it were changed or eliminated?

2. Now list any actions which may be perceived as self-serving and might even be getting in the way of doing more of #1. What are your customers (internal as well as external) annoyed about? What won’t be noticed if it gets eliminated?

Now you know where to start…both shoring-up and repairs. Sometimes it’s processes or physical attributes of your product or service which need to be changed. More often it’s people and the culture which need adjustment. 

Need a plan? Now you have one.

Does a Leader Care?

If you think about Seth's recent post about loving customers in the context of leadership, a leader has two customers. There' s the external customer who ends up paying for the experience. And then there's the internal customer, the staff...all the people under the leader's care.

I've seen many managers totally miss the point of "who serves who" inside the organization. They have this idea that employees are there to serve them, to do what they say and follow their "lead". Great leaders recognize the opposite is true. They know they are there to serve everyone else, to inspire, to remove obstacles, to comfort, to create leaders.

Best plan for a leader is to always treat employees like customers. Failure leads to distrust, disgruntlement and finding someone else to buy from.