Rational Time Travel

The biggest obstacle to not getting things done, not prioritizing correctly, not having the discipline to move forward to make things better is our ability to rationalize a make believe future, one where the pain, the tension, the hardship felt now will be less later. Of course, it's almost never true (although a lottery ticket pays off for someone). It turns out, we're not very good time travelers. But, not because we can't see a likely outcome. But, because we choose not to see it. We know through experience and wisdom what is most likely to happen. We can go to a more accurate future and experience it in our minds. However, most of us choose the alternative story instead. The one where it somehow works out in the end, notwithstanding our action or lack thereof now.

One of the greatest gifts of being human, of having a mind which is capable of learning, is to see beyond the immediate. Do this and that will likely happen. The future is more clear than we think...or we have ourselves believe.

Time travel isn't just for science fiction. It's for making good decisions also. Choose wisely.