Journey of Disappointments

Life has its ups and downs. So do projects and our work in general. We like to focus on the highlights, the positive outcomes, the breakthroughs and aha moments. These are what keep us going. It's the disappointments though which are the enemy of our cause. These tiny failures are the fuel for our resistance, and eventually for us throwing in the towel. It's the persistence of this nagging problem which kills so many ideas. Disappointments are the dip.

We know they're coming. They always do. What if we change our approach? What if we welcome them? What if we see them as a necessary part of the process? What if we realize our best work can't happen without them? What if we decide now we will continue despite them? They're part of the journey. And, we can choose to embrace them. Choose wisely.

HT to Ralph Hudson and Stacie B. London