Who Will We Become?

We are all in motion. Some more than others. We are all going somewhere, physically, emotionally and psychologically. We won't be the same person five, ten or twenty years from now.

Most of us focus on achievement and success, especially in our work. We're trained by our culture, education and environment to be seen as productive, smart and to make a contribution. We measure ourselves through status, financial wealth, material possessions and comfort. What we do, what we make, what we become is an important part of the fabric of our culture.

But, there's another goal each of us faces. Beyond, what we do and what we become is a more important question...who will we become? How will we act? Which values will we hold dear? Will we care enough to choose improvement over status quo, both for ourselves and for those around us? Will we choose to remain curios and resilient even in the face of adversity? Will we choose a path of empathy and learning over authority and control? Will we live into the possibility of changing our mind?

It might be better to focus first on who we want to become and the qualities we want on display, vs. what we hope to achieve. The order is vitally important. Turns out, character matters. Please choose wisely.