


It's the fundamental question great leaders ask. And they do it incessantly. Why does this happen? And why does it happen this way? It's not used to demean others or gain prove someone wrong. It's a mindset and posture of research, learning more about the world around they can change it.

Making things better requires understanding. And sometimes, unintentional understanding. Digging around with intention, learning about things randomly, often sparks a new idea. Sometimes it's a bad idea. But, as we know, bad ideas lead to good ones...eventually.

It's now easier than ever to dig. Books are available to everyone. So are videos, lectures and college level courses. Much of this information is free, or nearly free. The costs are time and a computer. Yet, despite access, people choose not to dig. What a shame.

Dig around, stir up some dust...and go make a dent.