lizard brain

Tricking Our Way Forward

One of the byproducts of being forced into more on-line connection, specifically video conferencing (Zoom or other), is the chance to improve speaking and presentation skills. A method we can use on-line which we can't so often in real life is to select how much of the audience we see. We can narrow the field of view to one (or even none) as opposed to seeing the entire group. We're able to limit the distraction of what others are doing, which tricks our lizard brain. The lack of external inputs allows us to focus on our delivery. Of course, those inputs are still there, people are still checking email while we speak. But, we can't see, it doesn't matter. Practice on-line and then employ the same tactic in front of a live audience. Focus on one (or none).

What else can we choose not to see? What habits can we form which create more focus and eliminate distractions. What other sort of trickery can we develop? Something to consider in our quest to get better.