
Do You Speak Klingon?

Chances are...probably not. But a lot of people do. According to the Guinness Book of World Records, it's the most spoken fictional language by number of speakers. It has its own institute , and one of its characters was used in the original Wikipedia logo. And alas, most people are unaware.

Most people aren't concerned with what moves us, bothers us, attracts us or inspires us. Most people don't have an iPhone, a car or speak English. Most people don't do things like we do. But, some people do. Some people believe precisely what we believe. Some people care about things just like we do. Some people want to go where we're going.

Too often, when we set out to spread an idea or change something, we scale too big. We think most people in our world, city, company or department will surely be interested. But, what if we're trying to teach them a new language, likely one they've never heard of? It's hard to gain traction with a disinterested audience. Better to find someone who enjoys the movie as much as we do. They might just help us find a few more.

Why Most Sales Pitches Don't Work


The product being sold is unremarkable to whom it's being offered (which makes the salesperson annoying in the eyes of the prospect). This problem has two parts, the product is inferior and/or you have the wrong audience. Both are equally problematic. Having the wrong audience relates to the next item.

The sales person doesn't seek to understand the true motivation of the buyer. The best example of this is the unexpected telephone solicitation (usually done by a person you've never met, who hasn't experienced your product or service and who hasn't done any research to understand your goals...annoying and usually results in a hang-up).


Make stuff that the masses will ignore (because it's not easily understood), but a few will find remarkable. Make stuff that some people can't live without. Make stuff that is scarce. Make stuff that matters. Make something where the act of making it is appreciated (often more than the thing being made). Think handcraft. Think like an artist…because you are one.

Find the few who appreciate, enjoy and find meaning in what you do. Connect with them…exchange ideas. Build a tribe, an audience who trusts you. Then sell them your stuff. And don't bother anyone else…it's annoying.

Image credit to Hugh McCloud (I bought this print for a friend of mine…wish I would have bought two).