Why Do We Use So Many Words?



"Each room boasts magnificant views of sugar white sands and seemingly perfect Caribbean ocean waters."

Whether you’re developing a website, writing brochure copy, or making a PowerPoint sales presentation…remember, less is more!

Visual communication is the most powerful of all of the forms we employ. Our brains just handle images better than text, and we achieve an emotional connection with the subject much quicker. That’s key in our fast-paced and noisy world. We don’t have time to read everything. So, why do so many of us insist on boring our readers to death with so much type, and endless paragraphs that are rarely ever read anyway.

Simply put, use less words, and more photos and graphics.

But, don’t take my word for it. Listen to some others that are smarter than me…

My friends at Ideas In Food found that they get more hits on their photos than any other part of their site. I see why, the pictures are quite remarkable.

Seth Godin points us to the folks at Before and After. One look tells me they know graphic design, and how it makes us feel.

Creating Passionate Users covers the subject quite well, I especially like the “thought bubble” example.