Winner's Circle

We celebrate the winners of finite games. We give them our attention, our cheers and sometimes our trust. The nice thing about a finite game is the boundaries. There are prescribed rules of play and we keep score so we know who to celebrate. Infinite games however, the games we play in life have no score, and the boundaries are shaped by culture and worldview…and they change. Getting better at chess or soccer is fairly straightforward. Learn strategy, adapt to conditions and improve physical skills. Getting better at infinite games, like a relationship with a co-worker or child, takes different skills. There’s no finality, no winner or loser. We play for the sake of playing. And, to make things better for everyone. How can we get better at playing the infinite games? Who do we choose to play with? What’s it for? Who’s it for? Consider and choose wisely.

Photo: Redhook Crit Championship, Barcelona, Spain 2016