
The Next One

What will our next conversation be like? The next introduction? The next interview or sales pitch? Will it be approached exactly like the last one? Or, can we make it better?

It's easier to modify physical things because the specifications are definable and measurable. We can make it smoother, rounder, stronger or more pliable. The impact and value of a conversation however is much harder to determine. The only measurement is how we make someone feel. And this in itself is hard to measure. There's no scale for delight, empathy or compassion. It's completely individual. But, despite the lack of spec, we can try harder. We can become a better listener, more friendly, more approachable and more compassionate. We can make small adjustments and watch how people respond. Caring more about how we interact might be the most important choice we get to make.

We can't measure the clicks of the ratchet, but we know turning it will make things better. It almost certainly isn't going to make it worse.

We can't change the last one. But, we can use it to influence the next one...if we choose to.

The Last Word

What's it for?

It feels important, almost necessary, especially in a debate, to make the final point. But of course, not everyone can have the last word. Someone needs to concede in order for the conversation to end. What happens if we choose to intentionally not have the last word? How does this affect the outcome of the conversation? Do we "lose"? Perhaps we gain more through silence than by winning the point. Maybe we get to extend our relationship further. Maybe we get to play again. And, isn't this the underlying purpose? Artful conversation, gaining insight, being wrong and learning are the game. And, it shouldn't need to end at the expense of being correct.

Consider the best last word might be actually be two...thank you.